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Quick Start Guide for iOS App
Get Started with MindMapper for iOS
Install the app
MindMapper for mobile is available for iOS and Android. You must install the app on your device by accessing Apple App Store for iOS or Google Play Store for Android.
Launch the app
Tab on the MindMapper icon to launch the app.
Sign in with Google Account
If you want to use the planner feature or save a file to Google Drive, you must sign in with a Google Account. To use the map feature only, you do not need to sign in with your Google Account. Please note that the planner data is stored in the Google Calendar.
Navigating the Screens
Map screen
Create and edit maps from this screen.
Planner Screen
Manage schedules from the planner.
Manage schedule with the planner
Add schedule
Tap on a day from the calendar view and add entry based on schedule event: All Day, Appointment, Memo. iOS version can only add schedule from today’s view.
Edit schedule events
Tap on a day you want to edit. Tap on the schedule you want to edit. Change event name, type, and time. Press Done when finished.
Additional scheduling features
- Note: Add description of an event or long text
- Reminder: Notification alert for an event before the set time
- Repeat: Recurrence of the scheduled event
- Legend: Insert legend icon to schedule
- Hyperlink: Insert webpage link to schedule
Creating a visual map
Opening a map file
Map screen> Menu >Open> Select from Mobile, Google Drive, or Sample Map.
Creating a new map
Map screen> Menu (hamburger icon) > New Map > Enter file name and press Yes to create.
Adding topics
Select the topic. Tab + button and enter text. Press the return button to finish.
More options in adding topics
Adding multiple topics
Select the topic. Long press + button. Select Add multiple topics. Enter topics. Hierarchy can be established by inserting space.
Adding a sibling topic
Select the topic. Long press + button. Select Add higher sibling or Add lower sibling. Higher or lower just means the placement of the topic above or below the selected topic.
Adding topics continuously
After adding a topic, click either the Child or Sibling button to add a child or sibling topic quickly.
Editing topics
Change topic text
Tap twice on the topic you want to edit and make changes.
Moving topics
Long press the topic you want to move. A gray dotted outline will appear outside the topic. Do not let go of the finger and drag the topic to a destination topic by overlapping it. Placement makers will appear. Select the arrow where you want the topic to be placed.
Copy, paste, delete topics
Select the topic. Long press + button. Select Copy. Go to the destination topic and long-press + button. Select Paste to add the copied topic.
To delete a topic, press the – button. And confirm Yes to delete the topic.
Cut and paste
Select the topic you want to cut. Long press – button and select Cut. Go and select the topic where the cut topic will be pasted. Long press + button and select Paste.
Add topic note
Select the topic. Long press + button and select Note.
Add an image
Select the topic. Long press + button and select Image. Select the camera menu to take a picture or select the image menu to search for an image on your mobile device.
Designing the map
Tap the MindMapper icon on the bottom left corner to view vertical and horizontal design menus.
Saving your map
Save the currently working map. Tap file name> Select Save.
Save As
Save the file with a different name. Tap file name> Tap Save As> Select storage method. You can save the file to Google Drive besides your mobile device.
Attach your map as a MindMapper file, image, or PDF and email it to somebody. Also, print the map using the local printer
Some features will only work with PC and iOS app
Android app currently does not support project maps. However, the project map is supported in the iOS app.
The project map created and saved in Google Drive will sync to the mobile app.
Some features require additional apps.
You must have the Google Drive app installed on your device to use it.